- Common Characteristics and Congenital Features associated with Down syndrome:
Small skull, round faces, an upward slant to the eyes, small nose, large tongue, small mouth size, low muscle tone, a single deep crease across the center of the palm, and as continue to growth the child tend to be obese and short stature, individual differences should be taken into consideration since each individual with Down syndrome is unique and may possess these characteristics to different degree.
- Developmental and health challenges:
There are many health problems that people with Down syndrome may have, congenital heart defects, frequent infections, especially in the respiratory system, ear and eyes, nutrition problems, weak immunity system, fertility, obesity, cervical spine instability, endocrine and others
People with Down syndrome experience cognitive delays, taking into consideration that their acquisition and cognitive development is slower than others, learning process depends on stimulating them and giving them sufficient time to learn skills taking into account individual differences.